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Massage Treatments

45 Mins - $89​   | 90   Mins - $139
60 Mins - $99   |120 Mins - $189

75 Mins - $129

Our signature Thai deep tissue massage with oil that particularly focus on the cause of your problem like lower back, hamstring , Gluteus maximus , all of which can cause a painful back or shoulders. Using slow strokes, deep muscle compression, as well as stretching and acupressure, will help rid you of your tension and pain.

​An oil massage will increase the circulation of the massaged area of the body, help you to sleep better and promote the general good health of your body. It also affects the muscle tone and might relieve joint problems. All the problems and pains in the body might be gone after an arm oil massage, you will be much calmer and more focused, and have more energy for your everyday tasks


An oil massage will increase the circulation of the massaged area of the body, improve the look of your skin, help you to sleep better and promote the general good health of your body. It also affects the muscle tone and might relieve joint problems. All the problems and pains in the body might be gone after an arm oil massage, you will be much calmer and more focused, and have more energy for your everyday tasks

Deep tissue oil massage is designed to relieve severe tension in the muscle and the connective tissue or fascia. This type of massage focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles. Deep tissue massage is often recommended for individuals who experience consistent pain, are involved in heavy physical activity (such as athletes) and patients who have sustained physical injury. It is not uncommon for receivers of deep tissue massage to have their pain replaced with a new muscle ache for a day or two.

Foot Massage

Thai Foot Massage

30 Mins - $69
45 Mins - $89
60 mins - $99

Thai Foot massage focuses on the lower legs, and especially feet. This technique helps relaxing people whose job involves lots of standing, or after a long day of walking

Treatment group A

traditional Thai & Oil Massage

Golden Thai & Oil Massage

45 Mins - $89​   | 90   Mins - $149
60 Mins - $99   |120 Mins - $195
75 Mins - $139

Our signature  full body Thai massage, using oil on your back.. This is a mix between Thai and relaxing massage style.. It involves some stretching to make you more flexible. This is for muscle relaxation, increase flexibility in your muscles and mobility, reduce and relieve stress and anxiety, promote blood circulation. It also helps boost your inner energy levels. ​


traditional Thai & Oil Massage

Golden Deep Tissue

45 Mins - $89​   | 90   Mins - $149
60 Mins - $99   |120 Mins - $195
75 Mins - $139

coconut oil

Virgin Coconut Oil Massage

45 Mins - $89​   | 90   Mins - $149
60 Mins - $99   |120 Mins - $195
75 Mins - $139

Traditional Thai Massage

Traditional Thai Massage

45 Mins - $89​   | 90   Mins - $149
60 Mins - $99   |120 Mins - $195
75 Mins - $139

Thai massage is an active massage discipline. The patient usually lies on floor mats, and the therapist will move around them. The therapist may use their hands, feet, knees, and elbows to manipulate the patient. Thai massage focuses on muscle stretching, deep compression and flexibility.

oil massage

Relaxing Oil Massage

45 Mins - $89​   | 90   Mins - $149
60 Mins - $99   |120 Mins - $195
75 Mins - $139

sports massage

Deep Tissue Sport Massage

45 Mins - $89​   | 90   Mins - $149
60 Mins - $99   |120 Mins - $195
75 Mins - $139

Treatment group B

hotstone massage

 Aromatherapy​ Massage

60   Mins - $119
90   Mins  -$159
120 Mins - $199


Our gentlest massage.This full body massage uses the purest plant essence in the form of organic essential oils, which are extracts from various parts of plants, fruits, flowers, bark, roots, or resin. Essential oils contain dozens of powerful complex natural chemicals that have beneficial properties. This massage technique allows the essential oils to penetrate into the skin, healing inflamed muscle, leaving you relaxed, alleviating tired muscles and resting the mind with the sense of well-being.​ 

One of our unique massage treatments, with essential oils designed to loosen tight or tired muscles, and relieve stress. Using firm massage techniques will help your mind and body to relax, release built up toxins, and promote well-being.

traditional Thai & Oil Massage

Golden Aroma Oil Massage

60   Mins -  $  119
90   Mins -  $ 159
120 Mins -  $ 199


thai Massage

Hot Stone Massage

60    Mins - $119
90    Mins-  $159
120  Mins-  $199


Hot Stone massage allows you to enter a deeper sense of relaxation, health and wellbeing. The heat in the stones is effective in enabling the muscles to loosen up and relax. This makes it easier for deep tissue manipulation, improves blood circulation which enhances detoxification and flow of energy. The stones are placed on key points of your body and allows relaxation of the nervous system.

**** Please book in advance ****

Treatment group C

Foot Massage

Foot Scrub + Foot Massage

60 mins -$119

Note - not recommended during the first 4 months.

5 mins of foot soaking, followed by 70 mins of gentle massage with virgin coconut oil. Foot massage is not recommended for pregnant women.

back Massage

Back & Shoulder Massage or Body Focus

30 Mins - $69
45 Mins - $89
60 Mins - $99

Helps relieve tension and to get rid of any built up stress. This will also benefit patients who have sleeping problems​.We use traditional Thai massage techniques.  Chose between oil or no oil.

traditional Thai & Oil Massage

Pregnancy Massage
*Fully trained therapist


75 Mins - $129

90 Mins - $149


A foot scrub leaving you feet smooth and refreshed , followed by a Thai Foot massage focusing on your lower legs, and especially feet. This technique helps relaxing people whose job involves lots of standing, or after a long day of walking.

Natural Massage Oils

For Oil Massages, we provide a number of traditional Thai Oils for all customers. Some oils do incur extra charges. We use natural organic oils where possible.

Thai massage logo

​               Golden Fingers Thai Massage​ 

511 New North Road, Kingsland, Auckland        Phone : 09 845 6286

611 New North Road, Morningside, Auckland    Phone : 09  846 1561

 027 728 7463 or 021 654 511 

We Do Not Offer Any Sexual Services, Commercial or otherwise.

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